
Our Diapers


Crafted with natural ingredients, breathable, and highly absorbent - Perfect for our Love-lings day and night!

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Delicate and naturally nurturing on our Love-lings skin - Wipe a smile on their face today!

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Why Sleepy?

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All ingredients used to craft sleepy products are selected with careful attention to the safety and clinically proven effectiveness on our love-lings delicate skin. We work closely with leading specialists in microbiology and dermatology to evaluate every material and production technique and eliminate materials with any potential risks that may affect yours and your baby’s health. Additionally, we go through a rigorous stage of quality checks and acquire certifications on all our products that are on the production line.

Sleepy products are completely free of alcohol, dye, BPA’s, parabens, perfume, lotion and are 100% Hypoallergenic and Halal!

Baby Diaper Sizes are determined by your love-lings weight! Oftentimes, the range of certain diaper sizes will fit snugly in relation to your baby’s weight.

However in some cases, you will come across choices for 2 sizes as the weight ranges do overlap. If this is the case, you will need to take into consideration of your love-lings build. If your baby is shorter and rounder (The cutest babies always are 😊), you should consider the larger size of the two.

Here are a few Indicators to lookout for when our love-ling might be ready to up a size:

  • • If the securing tapes don't reach the center of the waistband; also, if the securing tapes overlap, the diaper is too big;
  • • If you can’t snuggly fit two fingers under the waistband;
  • • If you notice red marks on their tummy or thighs when removing the diaper;
  • • If the diaper isn't fully covering your baby’s bottom;
  • • If regular diaper rash occurs; This could be an indicator as the moisture is not held away from the skin;
  • • If our loveling shows signs of discomfort like tugging at the waistband or leg.

You should change your love-lings diaper as often as possible to avoid rash on the bottom or bacterial infection and as well as avoid leaks or blowouts. You wouldn’t want to get doo doo on everything, including yourself!

Our diapers come with a Wetness indicator! This nifty little marker displayed on the outer layer of the diaper lets you know when it's time for a fresh nappy.

A clean and dry bottom makes for happier babies!

Training pants are also known as Pull-ups because they’re easy to pull up and down and don’t require any fastening like diapers do.

Typically, the switch to training pants is done when your love-ling is ready to start potty training. The training pants are introduced to toddlers as undies and are there to capture accidents for when they can’t make the potty in time.

If you’re planning to buy diapers in bulks to avoid running to the store so often - You are doing the right thing! It will seem like for a period of time that all you do is change diapers but we assure you that having wet and soiled diapers is a good sign! It shows that your love-ling is having adequate amounts to drink and eat.

A newborn would initially use 10-12 diapers in a day. So, for babies less than a month old, a total of 300-320 diapers are needed.

For Love-lings over 1 month, their bowel movements decrease over time and you will only need to change around 8 or 10 times a day or more likely less than the given number. So, in total we recommend getting a supply amount of 240 diapers.

Our diapers come in large packs of 42 pieces and down to packs of 10 pieces, perfect for first time tries. Get in touch with us for discounts on your bulk buys!

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